
Samsung Says: Galaxy S II Will Launch in April with Gradual Roll Out to All Regions


Despite all the reports of delays pushing the Samsung Galaxy S II to as far back as June, the manufacturer of the popular line of Android phones has set the record straight. In case a statement made on Twitter wasn’t enough, a post on their official Facbook page addresses customer concerns over the availability of the Galaxy S II:

“We know that lots of you have been asking about the launch date of the Samsung GALAXY S II. It will be released in April and then gradually rolled out in each market according to the local launch timetable.
We will provide more details via this fan page once they become available.”

They avoid going into specifics about when and where the handset will become available this month, but a May 1st date is confirmed for the UK. We might assume the Galaxy S II will hit Samsung’s native Korea first before moving on to Europe and beyond.

[via AndroidCentral]

Kevin Krause
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  1. what carrier?

  2. Still no US release date is killing me!

  3. CH’mon Australia!!!
    You Can Do It!

  4. anyone have an idea if this is going to hit t-mobile first in the u.s. or is it completely up in the air still?

    1. Supposedly the Bionic, Revolution, DX2, as well as the Galaxy S2 are coming to VZW in May. No word at all about any other carrier getting the SGS2 yet.


  5. Enjoy the android version it’s shipping with, because it won’t ever be updated afterwards.

    1. Apparently that isn’t the case given that my Galaxy S that came on Eclair is getting Gingerbread soon.

    2. buy the original galaxy s or blame on your carriers for late updates

    3. Even my US version was updated. Imagine that.

  6. This is beautiful. Slowly moving to the US. I can’t wait.

  7. I’m gonna need a US announcement soon.

  8. I dreamed about this phone the night before last.. It felt wonderful.. It was as light as a feather and the button in the middle felt cool when you pressed it.

    What a nice dream…

    1. LOL Soon, your dream will become a reality.

  9. Nice phonee – shame they try to make it look like an iPhone.

    Oh… and TouchWiz should be optional.

  10. Ya know us carriers with change it…. screw it over n delay it lol

  11. I wish someone would leak that “local launch timetable” so we’d know when we can expect that damn phone in our part of the world.

    1. Can’t agree more – I’m sick of reading about this “launch timetable” without knowing exactly where I’m going to be on it!

  12. Instead of worrying about when it will launch in the US or what carrier(which btw will be VZW), what you should ask yourselves is what am I going to get stuck with? I for one will not buy this phone if it comes with tegra2. It is a mediocre chip compare to Orion. So I hope Samsung makes the right decision and does the US market right or else I’ll be joining lots of you on the Evo3D bandwagon.

    1. What makes you think it will be Verizon. I am betting T-mobile first as the Verizon phone will have to be CDMA as well as having a second generation (ie smaller) LTE radio.

      1. This link:


        If it doesn’t that is fine. As long as it isn’t a freaking Tegra2 CPU in it, I’ll go to pretty much any carrier. Only concern is, if it does end up on T-Mobile, do I really want to take a chance on their crappy Unlimited Plan and even more troublesome, the fact that they are being bought out by the worst carrier in the US.

    2. If T-Mobile goes with AT&T, I just hope the GS2 goes to Sprint, if not, welcome to magenta!!!

    3. Why wouldn’t all the carriers get it like they did the first generation? It was a major bestseller,.

  13. Morning, does anyone knows if Samsung is bringing the GALAXY S II to Venezuela with any of the carriers in the country?

    I’ll appreciate if you can answer me to this e-mail: [email protected]

    1. Even the Galaxy S original didn´t go to Venezuela.
      It is difficult to say, but I really doubt any carrier in Venezuela wants this phone, it is Blackberry-landia.
      I know some carriers have the Galaxy Spica and others simples Galaxies and there are few Wave (Bada) phones like the original Wave (S8500) a very nice phone.

  14. The Orion chip is FAR FAR SUPERIOR to tegra or snapdragon, let’s hope they support it good. The international sgs has been well supported, can’t say same for American versions.

  15. Does anyone know when the US gets phones after Europe GENERALLY. I have been trying to figure it out, I think I can narrow it down to between 1-3 months, does this sound right?

    I know that Verizon gets the phones last, does anyone think this will not come out before the 4G tiered data plans hit, I would really like this phone but could settle for a Thunderbolt or Charge unless the Bionic drops before summer.

    What are your thoughts on this vague release cycle comment?

  16. carriers: att/sprint /verizon wb getting device under different alias

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