Plagued With Muffled Sound Recording, 3G Data Problems on Your Thunderbolt? [Issues]

The Thunderbolt has been out since the 17th of March and enough users have it in their hands to uncover some unsettling issues. Before I go on, you should know that both HTC and Verizon have identified the respective issues and are working on fixes. First up – we hear some of you are still having data issues while on Verizon’s 3G network.

Word on the street is that Verizon’s already working to fix the issue with their network but we’re not sure how long it’ll take. Thankfully for us, the Android community consists of some very smart brainiacs and they’ve come up with a solution to get things back to normal. You can find instructions below. (Thankfully it doesn’t require root or a device factory reset.)

In other Thunderbolt news, it seems there’s a problem when recording video – audio will sometimes appear to be muffled when the original recording wasn’t captured with something covering the device’s microphone hole. HTC has identified the problem and is working on a fix but they were unable to offer a time-frame. Are any of you having these issues? [via Android Central 1|2]


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