Lay Off the Doughnuts, FatBooth for Android Now Available

Ever wonder what you might look like if you keep up your binge diet of delivery pizza, fried fast food, and sugary soft drinks? Yeah, I don’t want to face that reality either, but if I did I would use FatBooth. If you have a friend or family member with an iPhone you have no doubt been subjected to the whole routine. “Here let me take your picture….” A few minutes later your bloated face has triggered a few chuckles and probably even a few thoughts of “Bro, dat phone iz so kewl!” Thank heaven the super popular app has been ported to Android. People may finally be impressed with Google’s OS!

Sarcasm aside, the app actually is worth a few good laughs. The facial recognition and manipulation works pretty spot on, if we could even rate such a thing as how well a face can be bloated up. So go ahead, add a few pounds and share the result with your friends via your favorite social networking site. Then show up at a party a few weeks later and let everyone congratulate you on how much weight you have lost and how good you look.

[Direct Market Download Link: FatBooth]


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