Motorola XOOM OTA Going Out Tonight to Add Adobe Flash 10.2 Support

Motorola’s just tweeted that the Motorola XOOM will be getting an over-the-air upgrade tonight to add the pieces required for the Adobe Flash Player 10.2 debut that is scheduled to come out soon. Many were upset that the Honeycomb tablet didn’t ship with the feature. We were originally promised that users would only have to wait a few weeks for the update, though, which doesn’t sound so bad in retrospect. Expect to see the update within the next week or two if their earlier promise holds true. [Thanks to all who sent this in!]

[Update]: There seems to have been some confusion: this is NOT Flash itself, folks. My title is a tad misleading, but by “Flash 10.2 Support”  I meant that they’re prepping the tablet for a later update as I alluded to in the actual content of my post. Sorry for the confusion.

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