Unity Android Engine Lets Devs Easily Port iOS Games (Some In Less Than Two Days)

Unity has just announced the launch of Unity Android, an Android version of their game engine that many developers use to create games on iOS. We won’t dive into the technical stuff ourselves as we’re not game developers, but some very interesting tidbits from the press release caught my attention. Those who have created games on iOS using unity were able to port their games in as little as two days.

Such was the case with Stupid Zombies from GameResort LLC. SkyVu said it took them two weeks to port both of their Battle Bears games from iOS to Android. Here are a list of features developers can look forward to:

The caveat with easy portability is that developers will need to create their games using Unity initially, obviously, but that’s all the more reason for developers to consider a switch or for new developers to consider the platform for the future. Let’s hope this results in more timely game releases for Android. Full press details can be had at Market Wire.

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