Google Pulls Popular Voicemail App for In-App Payment Violation

Over recent months Google has pulled some pretty high profile apps from the Android Market without warning, taking an active role in policing the wares distributed therein. The latest, the popular app Visual Voicemail, was pulled for violating the terms of section 3.3 of the Android Market distribution agreement. The violation arrises from PhoneFusion, makers of the app, collecting in-app payments through a system other than Google’s.

Now that Google has officially announced their own means of collecting in-app payments, it seems the tech giant is buckling down on apps using third-party methods to process payments. PhoneFusion claims they were given no warning that their app was violating any specific rules. The app was pulled and PhoneFusion was told to see the above mentioned section of the distribution agreement. Visual Voicemail had over one million downloads before it was pulled. We expect PhoneFusion will make the proper updates and return the app to the market shortly.

[via BusinessInsider]

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