Motorola XOOM is Now Available from Verizon Wireless

Today’s thee big day, guys: the Motorola XOOM is the first Android tablet to be running Google’s tablet specific version – Honeycomb – and it’s finally available. You can get it from Verizon Wireless contract free for $799.99, or $599.99 on a two-year contract. Best Buy is also taking $800 for it.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Remember that you’ll need to activate at least one month of data service to access WiFi. You can deactivate data after that, but a fee will be administered every time you reactivate.

And if you didn’t know, 4G upgrades will be available in about 3 months’ time. The process is free, though you’ll be without your XOOM for a few days. We posted some details about that process yesterday so be sure to give it a look-see. Here’s Verizon’s official page detailing the process.

For you developers out there or for those who are just curious, a system dump for the Motorola XOOM went out overnight. We haven’t dug into it ourselves, but if you can’t wait for your store to open and you can’t sleep due to excitement, go ahead and download it to see what you can find. Let us know if you do find anything.

If you aren’t willing to cough up that much cash for the thing, try your hand at winning one from Motorola on Twitter. (The limited gold version introduced at the Oscars.) It’ll probably be a long shot that you win, but it doesn’t hurt to try. (And who knows? Lady Luck just might be feeling a bit generous this month.)

Finally, we have forums. Sweet, sweet forums. Those of you who go out and grab the XOOM up this week are going to want to share their thoughts, experiences, and excitement with a community full of excited souls. You can find our Motorola XOOM section at right here. Bookmark it because you’ll probably be visiting it a lot.

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