Things We Missed, You Shouldn’t [Feb. 23]
Lots and lots of stuff happened today, as usual. Pre-orders, FCC, tablets, phones, etc etc etc: it’s never a dull day in the world of Android, is it? Go ahead and run through the list. You might even find something you like.
The Sony Ericsson Xperia Play is up for pre-order through , Expansys , and Play .
Three UK has confirmed that their HTC Desire will receive Gingerbread (as was revealed last week), though no details are available.
The Toshiba AC100 tablet has been updated to Android 2.2 with Flash Player support. [AC ]
Nokia developers now have a tool to help them port their QT apps to Android.
The Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 and Galaxy S II will allow you to watch TV on your Android .
Two new ARCHOS tablets have hit the FCC, the ARNOVA 10HT and ARNOVA 8 .
The 7digital media and music player has been updated to include Last.FM support .
T-Mobile has given the Samsung Galaxy S 4G its very own commercial featuring Carly, the TMo girl.
Costco will be offering the Motorola Atrix 4G for $120 and will throw in free accessories, to boot.
MenuPages for Android is now available, if you care. [Market ]
The City of New York will begin putting QR codes for more information on Building Permits.
Samsung Galaxy Fit is now available in India .
Barnes & Noble will begin holding PubIt! events in their stores. Free coffee is indeed available.
Android had 26% of market share in Canada Q4 2010, and of that, Samsung was the most popular phone provider, according to IDC .
Samsung Continuum has gotten more hackage. Details here .
Check out this concept phone – an Xperia device with nary a bezel .
Best Buy still sucks at Photoshop .
The HTC Incredible S is now available for presale in the UK for O2 and Vodafone .
HTC’s “Facebook” phones will be available June 17th .
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