In One Year Android Market Revenue Grows a Remarkable 862%

If you think all the way back to the launch of the Motorola Droid, you might remember a time when there were no more than 20,000 apps available in the Android Market. Today that number has cross the 250,000 mark. With the increased number of applications should come an increased income, but would you believe that revenue from these applications has grown by 861.5 percent? Well believe it, because it’s true according to IHS. In cold hard American dollars, 2009 saw revenue of $11 million, while 2010 saw $102 million dollars incoming.

Still, with the large increase in revenues on a platform that is quickly becoming the world’s top, this only equates to a 4.7 percent share of the total mobile app revenues. Apple still takes the lead there with an 82.7 percent share of the currently over $2 billion industry.

Something tells us the profits might not increase this much from 2010 to 2011, but with the way Android is quickly spreading, we could see a large chunk of Apple’s lead begin to fade.

[via KnowYourMobile]

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