
Priced for Pre-Order at Amazon: Xperia Play, Arc, Neo & HTC Wildfire S, Desire S, Incredible S, Flyer


Amazon Germany has listed a bunch of phones announced at Mobile World Congress for purchase and pre-order and since many of them haven’t had pricing announced yet, we thought you’d be eager to see what they’re going for at Amazon:

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal
  • Xperia Play – 649 EUR ($882 USD)
  • Xperia Arc – 599 EUR ($814 USD)
  • Xperia Neo – 479 EUR ($651 USD)
  • Wildfire S – (299 EUR ($406)
  • Desire S – 499 EUR ($678 USD)
  • Incredible S – 519 EUR ($705 USD)
  • HTC Flyer – 669 EUR ($909 USD)

We’ve seen other prices on these devices at various Amazon country strores – some of them conflicting – but we’re guessing this has something to do with contracts, premium pricing for pre-orders and other elements. All these devices are looking really expensive if you ask me. If Sanjay Jha got abused for the XOOM’s $800 pricetag than what about Peter Chou for a $900+ Flyer?

Hopefully on contract these drop dramatically, and they will, because there is no way anyone is paying $400+ dollars for the Wildfire S. We’ll let you know when official prices come in.

[Thanks Juhani!]

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. Let’s say it together before you start bitching about the US equivalents again


  2. That is literally so expensive.. LOL…
    I think a bit of waiting is due here for these devices to hit the U.S. market…
    Anyway good morning, Rob :P

  3. You have to consider the 19 % VAT in Germany that is already part of those prices!

  4. To give some context to the pricing if you buy an iPhone4 from Amazon here in Germany you have to pay 788e for the 16gig and 849e for the 32 gig.

  5. You can’t really compare EU and US prices, everything is just so much more expensive here.

  6. you don’t need to use a currency converter ….
    The price is almost alway’s the same here in europe than it is in the us.


  8. That’s why we in the US can never allow a vat to be put in place.The government will spend all that money and we will still be broke.

  9. VAT + 2 years warranty that’s all that needs to be said. If it costs 500 Euro on Amazon.de, it will cost 500 USD on Amazon.com.

  10. The Incredible S is a nice phone, but for 700.00 I’ll pass. Maybe after the phone has been out for a few months it will drop to 500.00

  11. Seeing that our prices have tax already added into the price, that would be why it sounds more expensive


    converting € to $ is the stupidest thing ever! converting into USD does not give you what it is going to cost in the US when if is released. Different networks in different countries work differently, European ones subsidise their products for their customers, where as American networks couldn’t care less


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