Build Your Dreams Show Their Androids at MWC

A company I’ve never heard of – BYD (Build Your Dreams) – was at Mobile World Congress showing off their wares and I thought I’d pass along the memo. Interestingly enough the company started in the battery industry, got into cell phones, then jumped into Automobiles – they sold 500,000 autos in Asia last year – and finally have been exploring renewable energy.

But since you’re interested in Android, take a look:

These aren’t very high powered handsets, but as you can see the only two “branded” devices they have are available in India where smartphone penetration is much lower than America and most of Europe. While you might not be amused, this is exactly what countries with developing telecommunications industries need – affordable access to smartphones.

As Eric Schmidt said in his keynote last night, the great thing about the growth of smartphones in the past couple years is that it’s giving people a voice who were never heard before. Whereas information was formerly only accessible to the elite, smartphones are forcing a shift. Android is certainly a catalyst in that movement and I’m sure BYD would like to help build that dream, too.

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