
Official Galaxy S2 and Tab 2 Photos Unveiled


Samsung’s getting ready for their big reveal later on today and just as we heard, the Galaxy Tab 2 and Galaxy S 2 will both definitely be on hand. And just hours before the event, we’ve gotten even more – official images of both.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

These beautiful Spanish girls are holding up none other than the Samsung Galaxy S 2 and the Galaxy Tab 2. As we expected, the Tab 2 will don a completely untouched version of Honeycomb, while the S2 looks to be running TouchWiz like most of its siblings.

The event is tonight at 6pm in Barcelona, which is about noon Eastern, so be on the lookout for our coverage immediately following the event. [via Samsung Hub]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Still no search button on the SGS? :(

  2. Stock Honeycomb for Galaxy Tab II?


    I might get this if its priced cheaper than the xoom

  3. Hope for Super-AMOLED on Tab 2
    it’s amazing on Nexus S!

  4. Is it just me, or does the S2 look like it has a massive screen?

    Looks like it might be the same size as the Desire HD, or maybe bigger?

  5. Most importantly, when will each country see the products released!

  6. Screw samsung, they will never get my business again. I am getting an ipad2, at least it has some decent apps.

  7. @pervert
    Nobody cares, you can go suck steve job’s small balls.

    /trollingmode off

    Looks good :P

  8. Gingerbread on the S2, wonder if it will be out before the N1 gets an update.

  9. I like the blonde one.

  10. If this
    1) Stock android
    2) and cheaper than the Xoom

    then i most likely will be getting the Tab2

  11. This is exciting. Yay Tab 2.

  12. The pic with the two chicks showing the S2 , the device on the right side is running launcher pro , no ?

  13. Can 10.1 inch galaxy tab 2 call out as cellphone also??

  14. did i miss something? where are the beautiful spanish girls?

  15. @Moses92: Nope, just good ol’ TouchWiz.

  16. Why isn’t there a tablet with a kickstand? Seems like a logical progression for such a large a device. Maybe we will get a case that sports this feature.

  17. What are you smoking? Those girls are gorgeous.

  18. Can we get a tablet with kickstand? Seems like a logical progression for a device of this size. Maybe even a case with a kickstand feature. It worked for the evo. Why not? This paired with a bluetooth keyboard seems like a FU crapple.

  19. God the phone is a beast, can’t wait to upgrade :). Though sucks it looks like the iPhone. Curious about how come the SGS looks like iPhone 3G and now SGS2 looks like iPhone 4.

  20. @paul t
    What are you smoking?
    I agree with hans because samsung is a rich company and they can’t even get beautiful girls to hold their products.

  21. @zacattack
    because this world lacks originality and creativity…. i kid i kid. but most people will see the phone and think, hey, that kind of looks like an iphone maybe it is good too (obviously its better despite the horrendous touchwiz ui)plus iphones are sadly the industry standard (or used to be at least) for the modern touch-phone design

  22. dont really see what other designs they can use? theyre not gona make it a triangle or a circle lol. so its gotta be a rectangle. maybe they could try different colours… dark blue, red, silver maybe. im sure in the flesh it wont look so similar to the iphone.

  23. tab-2 with otterbox.

    ruggedized 10″ tablet.

    just what i need.

    hope t-mo gets it.

  24. with an otterbox case the tab 2 is a bomb.

  25. @14,15.the Notion ink Adam did it. This is just another ipad clone. That runs honeycomb.

  26. Pervert, agreed. Samsung has fooled me more than one and shame on me for that. Won’t happen again. Worst run smartphone company on the planet, primarily due to software/OS support. But throw in amazing actions like releasing a phone with a broken GPS that didn’t get fixed, well ever really but didn’t even address it for 5 months. Odin and Download mode goofiness, an archaic file system that is unexplainable (RFS) and so on. Awful software company. Just awful.

    But your comment about apps is moronic.

    Oh, and the girls? Meh, average. Certainly not hot.

    DVRCowboy, assume Samsung will never release accessories like kickstands, home docks, etc, etc.. If anyone makes the assumption Samsung will provide for you what you need beyond good hardware specs, you’re in for a surprise.

  27. Pervert, agreed. Samsung has fooled me more than one and shame on me for that. Won’t happen again. Worst run smartphone company on the planet, primarily due to software/OS support. But throw in amazing actions like releasing a phone with a broken GPS that didn’t get fixed, well ever really but didn’t even address it for 5 months. Odin and Download mode goofiness, an archaic file system that is unexplainable (RFS) and so on. Awful software company. Just awful.

    But your comment about apps is moronic.

    Oh, and the girls? Meh, average. Certainly not hot.

    DVRCowboy, assume Samsung will never release accessories like kickstands, home docks, etc, etc.. If anyone makes the assumption Samsung will provide for you what you need beyond good hardware specs, you’re in for a surprise.

  28. If the GT 2, is priced better and has decent specs, they may get my money vs Moto

  29. galaxy s2>> new rumours: pricd at $880

  30. Ok galaxy 2 is great but what about the original galaxy update froyo . gingerbread?

  31. Gee Aaron, you really like that pos dont you. You seem to think it is the bees knees. What a joke. The Tab2 & the xoom blow it away.

  32. The Tab looks very nice and with Honeycomb, Idon’t see it needed to be updated anytime soon anyhow…

  33. Samsung still has not fixed the GPS on the Vibrant and as far as I can tell they have no intention of fixing it. They do a great job sucking you in with their amazing screen and other highend specs, but they could care less about you after you give them your hard earned cash. Do yourself a favor and buy elsewhere.

  34. Samsung still has not fixed the GPS on the Vibrant and as far as I can tell they have no intention of fixing it. They do a great job sucking you in with their amazing screen and other highend specs, but they could care less about you after you give them your hard earned cash. Do yourself a favor and buy elsewhere.

  35. Since when average looking girls, are denominated as hot, beautiful?
    The one in the middle probably not even Spanish, maybe Dominican or Eastern Europe.

  36. Sweet, I was right about the Honeycomb Tablet. ^_^

  37. Samsung almost lured me in to by their Galaxy S, but I bought a Droid X, and boy am I glad. I think its pretty fair to say that Samsung makes freaking amazing hardware but really really really fails on the software front. Now if it came with STOCK gingerbread, I may consider this, but if Samsung has anything to do with the software i will pass.

  38. @nisme “Gee Aaron, you really like that pos dont you. You seem to think it is the bees knees. What a joke. The Tab2 & the xoom blow it away.” Just your opinion, just like I have mine. Opinions! There like assholes, everyones got one. This mainstream crap being better is just one of the really shitty ones. get it

  39. i thought samsung don’t like to put the number Two on ther products.

  40. Specs dont lie. Plus, its a startup electronic company. Good luck there. They couldn’t even release it in a timely matter.

  41. I hope this goes to Sprint so that more people can have sweet Honeycomb goodness. T-mobile = G-slate, Verizon = Xoom, AT&T = meh.

  42. It’s 6pm in Barcelona now, right?

  43. Me thinks some partying and drinking in Barcelona might be holding back updates on the website.

  44. Guy thinks iPad2 is going to be worth it?
    There is not one iPad app or any Apple app I miss…. oh well.

    For the American Samsung haters everywhere on the planet there seems to be upgrades including my Rogers Captivate which running both 2.1 and now 2.2 never had a GPS issue.

    Blame your carriers not Samsung if Samsung really did not care then nobody would of got upgrades, but everybody except Americans were upgraded.

  45. Looks just like the XOOM. Looks like a fake

  46. @ tech, the counger to that is no other manufacturer has that problem in the us. Ultimately, samsung is responsible for it, and have yet to do it.

  47. Anybody that buys a tablet has been fooled by marketing. They may be pretty to look at, but lack functionality and practicality. Buy yourself a 4.3″ screen smartphone and a nice netbook or laptop instead.

  48. Engadget saying the S2 is gonna be releasing THIS MONTH (and with Gingerbread out of the box). Has a Tegra 2, 4.3″ SAMOLED+ WVGA, no mention of RAM.

  49. @nisme, your wrong, samsung has been providing updates for the U.S. through kies. it was t-mobile who didn’t push out the update via over the air. i’ve been running 2.2 and had my gps fix since last year in sept.

  50. For like a month, my x had froyo in august. My point stands.

  51. Samsung has a decent piece of hardware I got to say, and with stock Honeycomb… I’m not sure if it’s going to need many software updates…

  52. sgs 2 have 1gb of ram…… look like iphone4, because sammy want to “torture” iphone4.

  53. Samsung is the only company that charges carriers to update the OS on their phone.

  54. Woot, I know for a fact that Phandroid will also be getting a hands on with the Galaxy 10.1 tablet, can’t wait.

  55. Well its the gs2 and tab2 look nice but time well tell.

    We need more quality tabs on the market before pricing gets better. Until this happens we are going to see alot of high priced tablets. I dont know about most of you but I like options not just the limited selection of unproven products.

    Pricing will get better once more tablets come out and manufactures offer on model.

    If you look at laptop almost every retailer has 20 to choose from. If you a take moment and think about it, if you want a laptop how many options do you have, how many retailers do you have to choose from?

    Until tablets get to that point we will have limited selection, high pricing and tablets that you must pay for some service to get full benefits.

    Once the ipad2 comes out there could be a many as 12 quality ipad tablets to choose from. That does not favor the manufacures of android tablets.

    Until moto, samsung, lg, htc figure this out we will have to over pay for a limited selection.

  56. i can’t tell if it has a notification light.. anyone know?

  57. can’t tell if it has a notification light. anyone know?

  58. It is official now, Galaxy Tab 10.1.

    However, it is DEAD ON ARRIVAL!!!!

    Why? This is NO SD CARD slot!

    Samsung can get away with Nexus S, but this one.

    I wont’ buy if there is no SD card slot.

  59. Phandroid does this thing have a notification light? Please tell me it does!!

  60. I am so getting the sgs 2 … as long as Team Whiskey will be making roms for it this will be my next phone:-)

  61. I….. I just might buy a Galaxy Tab 2. I like the design, and it runs completely untouched 3.0 Honeycomb. Please make a wifi only version…

  62. Any HDMI out?

  63. @tim242

    I agree with you 1000%

  64. make wifi only on the tab and i’ll snatch one, paying for a cell plan on a carrier for a TAB is stupid, i will use my wifi tether

  65. Do any of these Samsung products include one of these spanish girls (either the middle one or the last) cause that’s the only way I’ll ever buy a Sammy product…lol

  66. Do any of these Samsung products include one of these spanish girls (either the middle one or the last) cause that’s the only way I’ll ever buy a Sammy product…lol

  67. Does any of these Samsung product include any of the spanish girl cause thats the only way Ill ever buy a Sammy product….lol

  68. Does anyone know price and/or carrier for the GS2?

  69. The new Tab is 10.1″ instead of 7″. Boy, are these people trying to imitate Apple?

  70. samsumg blows, go with htc thunderbolt

  71. WTF they get hot asian chicks all the time to hold the damn stuff over in korea… Shoulda been hot spanish chicks in barcelona… goddamn
    oh yea the S2…

  72. “Reveal” is not a noun. There are plenty of grammatically correct alternatives. Please stop spreading the disease of nouning and verbing.

  73. Is it samsung galaxy tab 2 can call out like cell phone ????

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