
Samsung Nexus S for AT&T Hits the FCC



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Just as with the original Nexus One, it looks like Google’s trying to get this thing out to more than one carrier. The Nexus S has recently passed certification at the FCC, it would appear. FCC only handles devices intended to be sold in the United States, but Canadians – who operate on the same wavelength as AT&T – can import anyway. Let’s hope Google can actually get the device on all four major carriers this time as they were unable to do with the original. [via WirelessGoodness, Thanks Teney!]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. a little too late, damn google is so dumb only releasing for t-mo first

  2. Woooo!!! Choice of the Atrix, Inspire, or Nexus S! AT&T really IS serious.

  3. Good news for some but a bit late if you ask me. I have it in TMO na d would love a fix for the damm reboot issue!

  4. nexus phones = developer phone … att = restricts everything??? like sideloading

  5. Not really the full google experience if you can’t sideload apps

  6. @Dan Why? Google can access most of the GSM world with the frequencies that T-mobile uses. At&t is stupid for building a 3G platform that uses different frequencies than the rest of the world.

  7. @Dan Why? Google can access most of the GSM world with the frequencies that T-mobile uses. At&t is stupid for building a 3G platform that uses different frequencies than the rest of the world.

  8. I doubt this will be sold through ATT so don’t give them any props.

  9. I want it on Verizon. Unfortunately, it’s already a bit outdated so it probably needs to be “free” with a new 2 year contract.

  10. There is significant precedent for devices passing the FCC with AT&T bands and then only being released in Canada. For example the Telus HTC Desire and Motorola Milestone. Pretty much any phone you get in Canada will have an FCC ID anyways.

  11. Alex: You will be able to sideload apps. This phone isn’t coming out *on* AT&T, it’s coming out *for* AT&T’s frequency bands.

  12. Okay, Kinda afraid of what ATT is going to pull…

  13. Okay, Kinda afraid of what ATT is going to pull…

  14. Kinda late to the party

  15. Kinda afraid of what ATT is going to pull iwth this…

  16. Kinda afraid of what ATT is going to pull iwth this…

  17. Does this one have QUOTE 4G UNQUOTE.

  18. I highly doubt AT&T is going to acknowledge it exists…

    As stated above it is going to support AT&T’s 3G network… Not that AT&T is going to support this phone; there’s probably not going to be a subsidy either… $529, same as T-Mo version…

    The Nexus S is a Google Experience device. That means OEM’s and carriers have to keep their grubby fingers off the firmware, regardless of the carrier…

    Google Experience devices = WiFi tethering enabled and side-loading of apps are enabled and carriers can’t disable em… Also your firmwares come through Google and Google alone, instead of Google then Moto/Samsung/HTC then T-Mo/AT&T/Verizon/Sprint..

  19. I highly doubt AT&T is going to acknowledge it exists…

    As stated above it is going to support AT&T’s 3G network… Not that AT&T is going to support this phone; there’s probably not going to be a subsidy either… $529, same as T-Mo version…

    The Nexus S is a Google Experience device. That means OEM’s and carriers have to keep their grubby fingers off the firmware, regardless of the carrier…

    Google Experience devices = WiFi tethering enabled and side-loading of apps are enabled and carriers can’t disable em… Also your firmwares come through Google and Google alone, instead of Google then Moto/Samsung/HTC then T-Mo/AT&T/Verizon/Sprint..

  20. For the n00bs who have no memory, when they released the Nexus One for AT&T, it was sold unlocked and through Google NOT through AT&T. So I believe the same will happen for the Nexus S. In other words, AT&T won’t do anything on the Nexus S in terms of restrictions.

    Matter of fact I have an AT&T Nexus One running Cyanogenmod 6.1.1.

  21. For the n00bs who have no memory, when they released the Nexus One for AT&T, it was sold unlocked and through Google NOT through AT&T. So I believe the same will happen for the Nexus S. In other words, AT&T won’t do anything on the Nexus S in terms of restrictions.

    Matter of fact I have an AT&T Nexus One running Cyanogenmod 6.1.1.

  22. For the n00bs who have no memory, when they released the Nexus One for AT&T, it was sold unlocked and through Google NOT through AT&T. So I believe the same will happen for the Nexus S. In other words, AT&T won’t do anything on the Nexus S in terms of restrictions.

    Matter of fact I have an AT&T Nexus One running Cyanogenmod 6.1.1.

  23. For the n00bs who have no memory, when they released the Nexus One for AT&T, it was sold unlocked and through Google NOT through AT&T. So I believe the same will happen for the Nexus S. In other words, AT&T won’t do anything on the Nexus S in terms of restrictions.

    Matter of fact I have an AT&T Nexus One running Cyanogenmod 6.1.1.

  24. For the n00bs who have no memory, when they released the Nexus One for AT&T, it was sold unlocked and through Google NOT through AT&T. So I believe the same will happen for the Nexus S. In other words, AT&T won’t do anything on the Nexus S in terms of restrictions.

    Matter of fact I have an AT&T Nexus One running Cyanogenmod 6.1.1.

  25. For the n00bs who have no memory, when they released the Nexus One for AT&T, it was sold unlocked and through Google NOT through AT&T. So I believe the same will happen for the Nexus S. In other words, AT&T won’t do anything on the Nexus S in terms of restrictions.

    Matter of fact I have an AT&T Nexus One running Cyanogenmod 6.1.1.

  26. For the n00bs who have no memory, when they released the Nexus One for AT&T, it was unlocked and sold through Google NOT through AT&T. So I believe the same will happen for the Nexus S. In other words, AT&T won’t do anything on the Nexus S in terms of restrictions.

    Matter of fact I have an AT&T Nexus One running Cyanogenmod 6.1.1.

  27. How long after FCC does it go on sale?

  28. For the n00bs who have no memory, when they released the Nexus One for AT&T, it was unlocked and sold through Google NOT through AT&T. So I believe the same will happen for the Nexus S. In other words, AT&T won’t do anything on the Nexus S in terms of restrictions.

    Matter of fact I have an AT&T Nexus One running Cyanogenmod 6.1.1.

  29. For the n00bs who have no memory, when they released the Nexus One for AT&T, it was unlocked and sold through Google NOT through AT&T. So I believe the same will happen for the Nexus S. In other words, AT&T won’t do anything on the Nexus S in terms of restrictions.

    Matter of fact I have an AT&T Nexus One running Cyanogenmod 6.1.1.

  30. Psh, I don’t like ATT having any good phones because of their sideloading issues…

  31. Is going to be the same or different?

  32. Want.

  33. Maybe now they will sell it somewhere besides best buy

  34. Holy multiple post!!!

  35. OOO first Atrix Inspire now INFUSE. Can’t wait to see what else AT&T have in store for us. Can’t wait to see what they have so I can choose to upgrade too.

  36. finally. i wonder what the retail channel will be. Am still enjoying my nexus one thought i never rooted it. Though the low app memory space is gettig on my nerves now.

  37. @Nate
    T-Mobile is on the AWS band. It is used nowhere outside North America, and only with relatively small providers.
    The AT&T bands, on the other hand, are used by many important providers in the Americas.
    T-Mobile probably have 95% of the world AWS market.

    The thing is that Google decided to include the 900 and 2100 MHz bands as well on the Nexus S. That’s why it works almost everywhere in the world. The 2100 MHz band is the main UMTS band, by far.

  38. nexus s = biggest disappoint..eVER

  39. This is great news to me. but the Nexus S have too many bugs I’m getting the Atrix!

  40. im pretty sure google wouldnt allow it to be on ATT if there wasnt sideloading, there WILL be sideloading on this, i can almost assure it

  41. What’s with all the double posts.. (and beyond double) ?.. used to be a time people would apologize for double posts.. now they just ignore it, and do another double a little further down.. If you post double regularly, fix it.

  42. There is no way this will be sold via ATT. I am sure it will be just like the N1. I am excited for it to finally come out. I would rather have a less powerful vanilla gingerbread device than a more powerful touchwiz or sense phone with ATT putting their grubby hands all over it.

  43. The only way to release a phone like this on AT&T is to do what they did with the N1 and just let it run on it and not let AT&T sell it. I have a N1 and since AT&T doesn’t do any sort of regulation I can side load apps AND take advantage of free tethering and wireless hotspots. I balk at the idea of these companies charging so much extra for the ability to hotspot when I can do it for free with my phone.

  44. Dennis you’re a retard!
    Why would some one apologize for something as silly as a double post. I thought it was way to funny. Thanks for policing phandroid for us!

  45. Wtf is up with repeated comments lol.

  46. Doh! Just bought a Nexus S today and found this forum because the Best Buy guy said I was stuck on 2.5G for AT&T SIM. Does this mean I should return the phone and wait, or is it some kind of firmware update I will get when it is available? Sounds like a different radio (i.e. hardware substitute).

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