LG Optimus 2X Bug Spotted, Killed

I’m still putting the final touches on my LG Optimus 2X Review which will be published later today, but I’ve got a story to hold you over that just couldn’t wait. I single-handedly spotted an LG Optimus 2X Bug… and killed it.

While fireman get credit for saving families from burning buildings and policeman are praised for putting dangerous criminals behind bars, why haven’t smartphone reviewers been properly commended for their service to the world’s citizens? The heroic feats of gadget geeks have gone unnoticed too long. I singlehandedly destroyed a bug that was plaguing my Optimus 2X, and now I demand tribute.

I’m kidding, of course. It was just a stink bug and I’m not a hero. I will accept tribute, though. And there is one important truth to this article: I will post my Optimus 2X review later today.

Stay tuned!

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