[Update] Popular CraigsNotifica Craigslist App Pulled from Android Market for Reasons Unknown
Kevin Krause
One of the best Craigslist apps for Android (LifeHackersaid so), CraigsNotifica, has been pulled from the Android Market. The problem is its creator Rafael Sanches has no idea why. The app has been available for quite some time now, making the sudden removal from the Market even more mysterious. Sanches has reached out to Google support to try to find an answer so that he might correct the application and get back in the Android Market, but has yet to receive a response. While we are sure Google must have some reason for the app’s disappearance, we also are left scratching our heads as to why.
For now you can follow developments at the CraigsNotifica Twitter. Hopefully this issue will have a quick resolve as was the case with the recent removal and return of the Kongregate app. With quite a few similar stories over the past few weeks, could it be that Google is finally cracking down a bit more on the Android Market?
[thanks, Daniel!]
[Update]: Just checked back in on Twitter: they’ll be offering the .APK for download in three days if Google hasn’t responded to them by then. They want to wait and see if they can get the market situation resolved so they won’t have to deal with fragmented updates. -Quentyn