Notion Ink Essentially Shuts the Doubters Up with Picture of Warehouse Full of Adams

We must admit: we weren’t the most convinced bunch of folks here at Phandroid when it came to the legitimacy of Notion Ink and the Adam. After all, the pre-order process was a bit mucked, Notion Ink seemed to be afraid to put the thing on video, and delayed pre-orders due to the lack of FCC approval was uncharacteristic of a company who’d genuinely want to make a good first impression.

Even when Rohan told everyone that the devices have been stamped with the FCC seal of approval, we weren’t totally bought in. It essentially became the Brett Favre story of the tablet world: we’ll believe it when we see it. But today, Rohan’s letting us see it: a lot of it. A warehouse is sitting somewhere full of Notion Ink Adam tablets and are ready to be shipped off tomorrow, as promised. And there are pictures to prove it.

So fear not, consumers: your dollars have not gone to waste. Notion Ink is for real, and as much skepticism as we approached this launch with, we’re actually glad to say that we were wrong. [via Notion Ink]

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