CEO of Deutsche Telekom and CEO of T-Mobile to Meet for New USA Strategy

Facts have been faced: T-Mobile has been the nation’s number four carrier for a long time now, and the situation doesn’t look to be improving. Deutsche Telekom – T-Mobile’s parent company based out in Germany – knows this, and their CEO is looking to meet with T-Mobile USA’s CEO sometime next week (when, where, and how wasn’t revealed by Reuters, the originators of the report) to discuss what steps and strategies they’ll be taking to improve.

“In the US, we need an aggressive marketing policy and customer-friendly pricing,” says CEO Obermann. “We have to improve our arguments as to why customers should come to us or stay with us.”

A change in marketing strategy sometime in the middle of last year seemed to be a step in the right direction, but according to quarterly numbers, T-Mobile remained stagnant. T-Mobile is already one of the more competitive carriers in terms of pricing, but could they be wanting to provide even more value over the big four and pull in more customers from the lower tier carriers?

Their device strategy isn’t bad (at least as far as the majority of their subscribers are concerned), so I can’t see them wanting to shake things up too much there. Or perhaps not shaking things up is the issue. Who knows? All we know is that they’re meeting and that we may see a new T-Mobile in some shape or form sometime in the not-too-distant future. [via TmoNews]

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