
VEVO for Android is Now Available


We’ve been hearing about VEVO for Android since August, and now the app for music video lovers is finally out of the oven. Alongside the obvious use of watching music videos, you can use VEVO to check out different charts detailing top artists and videos, create playlists for continuous playback, and more. You could just go to YouTube, but I think enthusiasts would find the VEVO experience much more fitting. Head on over to the Android market now to download it. [via Androinica]

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Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Hey you battery is running low.. and its only 11:46am. teehee
    Also, SWEET! Bout time we got this :D

  2. It’s not available. Even when I try to install it via AppBrain. I think it’s once again a case of discrimination against Europeans. Fuck you VEVO.

  3. eh… the interface is far too “iOS” for my taste.

  4. Works great on the Nexus one.

    @Robbert- I’m guessing the issue has to do with liscensing agreements in EU since it’s bankrolled by a bunch of music labels.

  5. App is great. Needs updates, force close twice. I couldn’t figure out how to create playlists, only find some already made by artists. It also doesn’t go in landscape mode for the menus.

  6. In EU, I’ve installed on HTC Desire (rooted and used Market Enabler) Nice app

  7. i cant find it on the market?

  8. Sucks ass.!!!! Why do they need so much info just to register

  9. screw vevo with their usa exclusive bullshit

  10. please tell me if or how can you create my own playlist?

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