
Rockchip Goes All-Out: Android DeskPhone, Laptop, 3D PMP [VIDEO]


Rockchip didn’t hold back their love for Android at CES, showing off the Android Robot at their booth in record numbers and displaying perhaps the hugest collection of Android Devices at CES altogether. And Rockchip doesn’t even manufacture the devices. That’s right: Rockchip creates the chipset in Android devices for manufacturers like ARCHOS, but when exploring their booth, I couldn’t help but gravitate to the Android Desk Phone and Android Laptop on display.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Call me old-fashioned, but that Desktop Phone looks pretty awesome. And the idea of Android Laptops/Netbooks might be so 2009, but the one Rockchip had on display was rather appealing. Will Google ever provide a version of Android optimized for Laptops/Netbooks or will they call it a day with Chrome OS?

Perhaps MOST surprising about the Rockchip booth were how many Android products they had which I never knew existed. It looks like Android is going crazy around the world and ou coverage doesn’t always reach to every end of the earth, not to mention I bet many of these are prototypes not currently available for sale to the public.

Unfortunately, one of their most exciting products didn’t seem to be working but have a listen to the description: “Glasses-free 3D PMP solution… WVGA 3D video playback in 3DV format”. How I wish I could have seen THAT in action. They also claim it has a full touch operation on the 4.3-inch screen with 3D UI.

Something tells me we’ll be seeing a bit more from Rockchip in the coming year.

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

Android TV: Cideko Air Keyboard & SimpleBox [VIDEO]

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  1. Who makes that Android laptop? I’d like to look into it.

  2. @Randy Power HP made a Android laptop but I don’t know what they did with it because I searched their site and no results came up. Here is a video of it from last year:

  3. Hugest?

  4. @jdog25 – Thanks for the reference. Now that they own Palm, I can’t imagine HP producing an Android laptop.

  5. “Will Google ever provide a version of Android optimized for Laptops/Netbooks or will they call it a day with Chrome OS?”

    Ummm…ah…can you say “Honeycomb?”

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