
Clockwork Recovery Reaches the NOOKcolor


The epic-ness of NOOKcolor root continues with its very own version, just announced by the ClockworkMod team via Twitter. Recovery for the ereader can now be found in the ROM manager. If you feel competent and savvy with root, the NOOKcolor is looking more and more like a cheap and pretty solid tablet alternative more and more.

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[via Twitter, thanks OMJ!]

Kevin Krause
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  1. It has a very nice display, much better than I expected and at $250 it is amazingly priced. If you don’t want ubiquitous connectivity, it’s a great choice.

  2. Come on people. It will never see widgets and all the stuff we love about android. Like gingerbread or honeycomb….it is nice for what it is(e reader) but cannot and will not replace things like the soon to be released xoom. I had the galaxy tab and honestly wasn’t that impressed. It was smooth and fluid but I won’t own a tablet til hobeycomb drops and android is MADE FOR tablet use

  3. Uh, ksizzle9? What do you mean? It works just fine with widgets. Now ROMs are even easier to switch and backup with ClockworkMod recovery.

    By the way, there is no reason developers won’t be able to get Honeycomb on the Nook Color. A dual core processor isn’t required and the Nook Color has a decent CPU and plenty of RAM.

  4. this is awesome news!

  5. I didn’t get post 2 either? What? All the widgets work just fine, I have same ones I have on my phone – weather, music, picture frames, RSS. Whatever you meant, you must have been reading wrong sites.
    Love my NC by the way. This is what I needed, plus a ton more. And no pesky GPS, 3G and other crap that drains your battery in a day.

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