Dan Morril Says No Minimum Requirements for Honeycomb

Remember when that rumor was brought up the first time? You know, the one where the newer versions of Android would require a specific set of specs? Remember when it was debunked? Remember when that rumor came back up again? Remember when that one was debunked too? Yep, Dan Morrill has put yet another ax to these claims: Honeycomb does not require a dual core processor. (Note that he doesn’t say anything about the screen resolution.) Though he may be telling the truth, all of the tablets that are supposed to be shipping with Honeycomb will have Tegra 2 dual-core processors and have screen sizes and resolutions of 10-inches and 1280×720 or higher. Coincidence? Eh. Even if it isn’t true, that would mean these tablet makers have no desire to stink up the joint, and I’m just glad to see a new wave of tablets with such high specs. Twitter for the confirmation. [via AG]

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