
Verizon 4G Breathes New Life Into Rock Band Mobile


Android has a LOT of room for growth when it comes to gaming. It’s an area that we’ll see a LOT of development in the coming year on the hardware, operating system, and application angles alike. But don’t forget about how the carriers and faster data networks will contribute to more an immersed and enriched gaming experience.

As an example, take a look at EA Mobile showing off their Rock Band Mobile promo running with the speed, efficiency (and decreased latency) of Verizon 4G:

The word “synergy” is so played out, but when you think about increased network speed, more powerful hardware, more accurate GPS, the proliferation of Android, cross-platform integration, better battery-life, innovative accessories, and a multitude of other factors, the future of gaming looks bright for Android and mobile in general.

What types of games are YOU looking forward to playing on 4G? Don’t be shy… if you’re looking for something that hasn’t yet been invented, tell us your game idea. Unless it’s a 4G time machine that allows you to travel back to the year 1955 to harness the power of lightning in a flux capacitor as it strikes the clock tower. Leave that part out. Also, what am I talking about. Moving on…

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. I do not see why this wouldn’t work on 3g… Kind of a bad example

  2. Great — I wonder how many games it takes to blow through your measly data limit on Verizon LTE?

  3. @mudrock1000
    It should work on 3G devices. I don’t see why it can’t…though it came pre-installed on the myTouch 4G. It’s kind of odd that it didn’t launch with the other EA Mobile games a few weeks ago.

  4. That’s what an unlimited plan is for. I definitely get my moneys worth on 3G.

  5. Does anybody even cares for Rock Band or Guitar Hero who gives a damn bout this game

  6. That is interesting. I don’t know how great it would be to play play something like rock band on such a small device. If I want to pretend to play guitar, I want to at least have a “real” fake guitar. :P

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