Android Beats iPhone In US Subscriber Numbers [Smartphones]

The growth of Android is undeniable. Everywhere you look at CES, some company is announcing some type of Android something. Whether phone, tablet, hybrid or something else- Android is penetrating every end of the tech market. And more importantly, consumers are buying into it as well.

Moving from October 2010 to November 2010, Android overtook iPhone in total US Subscribers according to ComScore. Of the 61.5 million smartphone subscribers, 26% were Android and 25% were Apple in November. Meanwhile, 33% were still on telegram BlackBerry phones.

Think of what happened this holiday season and where this momentum of CES is taking Android… up, up, up , up, up… and above the competition. I think 2011 is going to be another amazingly fun and successful year for Android.

[ComScore via TechCrunch]

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