Kindle Books Ready for Your NookColor

I have to admit, the NookColor is going from “another eReader” to “full fledged tablet” at a rather astounding rate. The NookColor is now able to utilize the Kindle app available in the Android Market after you have completed the rooting process.

Wonderfully enough, that’s not all. This process also gives you access to GMail, YouTube and a few other Google apps that you NookColor users were shut out of at launch.

If you decide you’re ready to get this all going, nookdevs has the entire rooting process ready to go at your leisure. As always, you should only consider the rooting process if you are comfortable with using tools such as the command line and are willing to accept the risks of rooting; including, but not limited to: A real waste of time all the way up to bricked device.

[via CrunchGear]

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