Updated Google Voice Search Tailors to Your Voice with Personalized Recognition


Google Voice Search for Android really gets the job done…when it understands what you are saying. But what good is it if it isn’t designed to recognize the specific way you speak thanks to an accent or style of phrasing? Google can even admit that though their voice recognition is pretty good, it could always use improvements. That brings us to the update they are rolling out for Voice Search, which now includes the option to turn on personalized recognition to tailor search functions to your voice.

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Once you opt in to voice recognition, Google will record and save your spoken search queries. These recordings then help to shape the way Voice Search works with your particular voice. Knowing Google, the recording probably also go into a alrger database to improve Voice Search over a broader range for those not using personalized recognition as well. Once you opt in, you will need to navigate to your Google Dashboard in the browser to completely rid yourself of your recorded searches if you do choose to stop using personalized recognition.

While we always question what Google will eventually do with the data it connects (call us paranoid), there is no arguing against an improved Voice Search experience. You can grab the update now.

[via Google]

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