CyanogenMod 6.1 Goes Stable; 7 Probably Around the Corner


Cyanogen and company have been working to move the 6.1 update from release candidate to stable status, and they’ve achieved just that over the weekend. There are a few new devices supported and a whole slew of changes for everyone to sink their teeth into. A list of those changes can be had at  GitHub, and you should be able to find the download link at either XDA or Cyanogen’s forums, though the best place to check remains to be TeamDouche’s mirrors. We can only imagine that Cyanogen and crew have their eyes set on Android 2.3 going forward, which would push the project from CM6 to CM7. Unfortunately they won’t be able to get started on the undertaking until Google releases the source code, which very well could happen after Gingerbread’s first Nexus One rollout in the next few weeks.

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