TAT is Now Part of Research in Motion


While we know this isn’t a Blackberry blog, the company who was just acquired by the software and hardware vendor – Research in Motion – had a lot of great things in store for Android. Their most ambitious offering was that home replacement suite we caught wind of a while back which introduced beautifully-styled 3D widgets and a unique launcher experience. Will it ever see the light of day? Probably not. (It’s also worthy to note that TAT makes some of the great live wallpapers which you use on your phones every day.)

It’s a shame for us considering they had some great ideas, and we’d even hoped Google would acquire them some day, but RIM beat them to the punch. We’re not yet sure how RIM will use their expertise, but as Android die-hards, we don’t care. We wish nothing but the best for TAT as they venture off into new territory, and we’ll wait for another knight in shining armor to bring us a prettier Android. [RIM via Crackberry]

The video for those of you who haven’t seen what they were working on for Android.

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