Official Google Reader App is Now Available

We’ve been waiting… and waiting… and waiting for this app to come ouut, but after 2 long years, we can finally say that Google’s officially launched their own Google Reader app. While many apps out there do the job and do it wonderfully (I still personally recommend NewsRob), it’s nice to see Google supporting it themselves with some native mobile love.

I haven’t had a chance to check it out for myself, but Android Central says everything a Google Reader user could want is there to manage your Google Reader account. Unfortunately, Google Reader still falls short where other apps still prove valuable: offline reading. It sounds like a decent offering for their first release, but developers of Reader-capable apps shouldn’t worry: there is still a TON of value to be had over Google’s offering. For you users, just give it a shot and see if its straight-forwardness and simplicity fits your style. [Link to the App on AppBrain]

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