Another round of updates is upon the Motorola Droid, as Verizon is looking to begin pushing a new Froyo update to a test group of owners over the next 24 hours. The update labeled as FRG830 will most likely bring the OS version to Android 2.2.1, so don’t expect some Gingerbread 2.3 magic to occur.
Aside from the typical bug fixes and performance enhancements, the update will add 2010 Exchange support, a few updated widgets, and an updated version of Twitter. More interesting, the FRG830 build will also include a new GMail user interface.
Those that signed up for the Motorola Feedback Network are among the lucky few that will be issued the test release over the next day (assuming no last-minute changes are needed). It should make its way to all owners shortly after that.
[via DroidLife]