Death Knell for Google TV Already Sounding?

We could all cross our fingers and say it’s only for the holidays or it could be a white knuckled effort to get more units into the hands of consumers; but an equally probable story is 25% off of Sony’s Blu-Ray GTV units can only mean bad things.

With almost every major network giving the middle finger to Google TV and blocking access to their .com shows, it could be a safe bet to make that Google TV heads for an early grave long before it was able to truly take over the world.

I could beg and plead with the networks in this article. “Give GTV a chance” “Stop being blind to progress” “It brings more viewers to your site, which translates to more revenue” “Trading a multi million dollar middle man for a free one should make sense!” But maybe the world isn’t ready for GTV. A lot of products were released well before their time, floundered and made a come back to change the world; with luck GTV could, at least, make this list.

[via TechCrunch]

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