Happy Thanksgiving From Phandroid!

It’s Turkey Day. The day where I slosh a huge hunk of mashed potatoes on my plate and dip every known edible object directly into them, covered in gravy, and inhale it down my big ‘ol mouth. By the end of the day I’ve got a big ‘ol belly. I haven’t yet reached the Al Bundy point where I unbuckle my belt and insert one hand down the pants… but one time I DID score 4 TDs in one game at Polk High.

Anyways, I just wanted to wish all our American readers a Happy Thanksgiving and everyone else a Happy Thursday or Happy Black-Friday-Eve. The only reason we’re able to do what we love to do and research and review our favorite android gadgets is because all you folks enjoy the same thing – and hopefully you enjoy what we write.

Today, Phandroid will be slower than most days as we take a step back from the news rush to spend some time with family and friends.

I considered asking all of you to put your phones away for a day, even *gasp* turn them off, and enjoy the company today. But inevitably, I’d bet much of the conversation around the table and the family/living room will revolve around technology. Then you’ll pull your phone out, share a thing or two, and then there’s no stopping the tech momentum.

So enjoy Thanskgiving. Watch some football. Eat way too much food. Detach yourself from all the obligations of your life and just be Thankful you’re alive. And then tomorrow buy a bunch of stuff online and come back to Phandroid/AF and tell us about it!

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