
FroYo for Dell Streak Coming to UK


A Facebook post by Dell Streak UK is announcing that FroYo is heading to the UK “before the end of November”. While most users can expect to receive 2.2 by standard OTA, Engadget is reporting that Dell had a website up for a little while that may have allowed select Streak owners to download and manually install the update. While the link to the update was unavailable, it is a nice hint that Dell would consider letting users download and install updates at their leisure, versus waiting for an OTA.

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[via AndroidOS | Dell Streak UK on FaceBook]

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  1. Dell Streak gets FroYo before Vibrant. SMH

  2. Way to go dell, only 6 months late! Note to self: never buy a dell streak.

  3. Good to read this. It has taken too long really, given the mess that was Dell’s release of 2.1 (which was an easy fix that Dell should have made!). But at least the Streak is getting Froyo and has not been abandoned.

    Re comment No.2 – What is the point? If you haven’t got one and have no intention of buying one, then who cares?

  4. CMON WHEN WILL SAMSUNG GIVE OUT FROYO UPDATES to their Galaxy S phones >_< ive beeen waiting!!!

  5. OMG IM GETTING SOOOO IMPAITIENT!!!! WHERES FROYO FOR THE GALAXY S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Bought one of these for a business idea I’ve setup. Although it is slightly on the large side (in comparison to other phones I’ve got: Magic, Desire, Liquid etc) – have to say the form factor is perfect for my business – and I’m very impressed with Dell’s skinning of Android -> very professional and business-oriented.

    Desperate for the 2.2 update though – and having just checked – there’s no update for me yet.

    Is it worthwhile checking more than once per day ?

  7. I wonder what ever happened to the Streak that was suppose to come out, with higher resolution.

    Maybe they’re waiting and putting it on a 7 inch one instead?

  8. Who cares? Dell cares. Theres a little thing called buzz and buzz goes a long way. Just think of all the negative buzz going on in bb land, trust you me, it’s not what they want your fanboy friends talking about. Rim aint selling more bb’s because of how much the guy at best buy loves the browser they haven’t fixed in 3 years.

    Dell should be one of the android manus that is ahead of the curve. I would expect this from some of the guys that make dishwashers and refrigerators, you know lg, samsung etc. but not Dell. Oh well, we vote with our dollars, so I guess dell will figure out if android was a good investment for them or not. Sounds like they’re already over it and on to wm7 anyways.

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