
Nexus One Gets T-Mobile WiFi Calling Hack



If you have a Nexus One and use it to access T-Mobile’s network, your days of relying on a shoddy wireless signal are over. The new Wi-Fi calling functionality recently made available has been hacked into the Google-branded handset to allow great reception wherever a wireless router is set up. Of course, you will need a rooted device and a few other things that can be found at the source link below. Hit it up if you want the dirty.

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[XDA via MobileCrunch]

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  1. AT&T hack?

  2. Patiently waiting for a Captivate hack for this…

  3. Very easy to do. Works great. Thanks for posting this and thanks to Developers!

  4. Shoddy wireless signal? Not that frequent on T-Mobile.

  5. This has been available for several days. they had that working when they ported the my touch 4g rom a week ago. thanks for week old news

    1. you’re welcome

  6. AT+T doesn’t even offer wifi calling, do they?

  7. Causing my nexus to reboot whenever enabling wi-fi calling…

  8. Caused phone to reboot when connecting to t-mobile via wifi. Sucks I forgot to nand backup. :(

  9. Ooh Droid port PRETTY PLEASE?

  10. Heh! Love it…TMo is getting some of the best stuff lately@

  11. Have you guys tried flashing either radio 5.08 or 5.12?
    If you haven’t then that is most likely what’s cause the reboots.

  12. This is the future of the Cell industry, can’t wait til more phones allow wifi calling by default.

  13. The only thing wrong with this hack is that you have to ditch the stock OS and I think that is unacceptable. I like the stock OS and feel no need to move to some other none supported OS. Plus if you do that then you’ll be delayed getting Gingerbread…. Not my cup of tea.

  14. Why would you use this over google voice? What am I missing? Is this like their TMO @home functionality?

  15. @reddragon actually with a rooted nexus one you’re more likely to get gingerbread before the official release. CM6 ftw, stock = not my cup of tea

  16. For those having issues with the bootlooping make sure your radio is updated.

  17. Updated radio, manages to connect to tmobile but then wifi drops when I try to make a call. Fail.

  18. I agree. I don’t see any reason to root and to NOT install a custom rom. Longer battery life, better features etc etc.

    And there will not be a hack for any phone not on tmobile. It’s tmobile wifi calling you guys. How does tmobile network calling make any sense on verizon or ATT?

  19. Worked perfectly on my first try! Thanks for the tip.

  20. Still waiting for the OTA update for the G2 that will gimme this.

  21. My G2 got an OTA update this AM. Now I have tethering and a WiFi Hotspot on T-Mobile!

  22. My G2 got an OTA update this am and I now have WiFi Calling, PC Tethering and a WiFi Hotspot all working on T-Mobile!

  23. Got it all working now thanks to the article on droiddog.

  24. Nexus One user that’s not rooted. Still hoping there’s an update for this in the near future.

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