Skype For Android Updated to 1.0.1

Funny, I was just telling my friends how annoying it was that Skype for Android has yet to receive a much needed update. We’ve just been tipped off that 1.0.1 is now live in the Android market and it comes with the following laundry list of changes:

New screen resolutions supported

We have introduced support for lower screen resolutions used on many popular Android devices, including the HTC Wildfire.

Hardware back key

When sending Skype to background with hardware back key, the Skype user interface process ends, but the library process continues to run in the background. As a result, you’ll still be able to receive incoming calls and IMs. This should help reduce Skype’s battery consumption while it’s in the background.

Signing out now exits Skype

When you sign out from Skype then it now exits the Skype application.

The full release notes for release build are:


* 320*240 and 240*400 screen resolutions are now supported.
* Hardware back key is now supported.
* Reduced power consumption in idle mode.
* Signing out from Skype now exits Skype.
* Improved login stability and behavior.
* Improved performance with large contact lists.
* Reduced application size.
* General bug fixes.

There is also a full list of known issues available over at Skype’s site if you dare to take a look. It’s not the biggest of updates, but it’s getting there. Of course, the biggest thing people are waiting for is video calling and 3G support, but I don’t think we’ll be seeing those for a while. I’ll gladly eat my words if we do.

[Update]: It’s actually not in the market yet. Strange. We’ll keep an eye out for it later on today.

[Thanks, Michael!]

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