Firefox 4 Beta Updated, Speed Boosts Push it Ahead of Stock Browser

firefox-mobile-180x300The default Android browser is quick and lightweight making it the number one choice for many despite numerous more full-featured third party browsers to choose from, but Firefox 4 is looking to give it a serious run for its money. The app just updated, bringing along some major tweaks, not the least of which is a 40 percent increase in page load speeds. The SunSpider Javascript benchmark pegs the update at 25 percent zippier than the stock Android browser.

Also as part of the update, increased localization is available with support for ten different languages and multitouch zoom has been tweaked and improved. Other updates reduce memory requirements, allow for the re-opening of recently closed tabs, added geolocation support, and “improved text spacing.”

If you are a Firefox fan, you shouldn’t waste another second before grabbing the update. You can download it from Mozilla now.

[via Mozilla]

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