It has already been hinted that Samsung would eventually turn to their Super AMOLED technology for a next-generation tablet, but the technology was passed over for the original Galaxy Tab due to pricing and production issues. Now the manufacturer is announcing that come next June they will begin production of a 7-inch version of the S-AMOLED screen for use in their own products and for sale to other manufacturers.
The new screens will feature an improved 1200×600 resolution compared to the 1024×600 resolution of the current TFT LCD display deployed in the Galaxy Tab. They will also feature the same crystal clear image quality and excellent dark/bright contrast that has come to make the Super AMOLED one of my personal favorite mobile screens of all time.
So will the addition of a Super AMOLED screen make the next Galaxy Tab even pricier than the first? We’d hope by the time the new screens are rolling out the technology will have taken a price drop, but if Samsung can’t address issues that led to AMOLED shortages earlier this year, they may be going at a premium.
[via Giz]