77% of Android Phones Running 2.1 or Higher, 1.5 Close to Being Obsolete

New platform figures have eeked out of Google today. According to their latest two-week ping leading up to November 1st, 77% of all Android phones run Android 2.1 or Android 2.2 (and Android 2.3, I suppose.) Specifically, 40.8% are running 2.1, and 36.2% are on 2.2. That still leaves 23% of phones on Android 1.6 or lower, but at least that number is getting smaller as each month goes by. 15% are on Android 1.6 while only 7.9 are on Android 1.5. With a majority of Motorola MOTOBLUR device owners around the world eventually being stepped up to 2.1, we don’t expect to see Android 1.5 lingering around too much longer. Google for the chart.

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