Canalys: Android Takes OS Lead in US Market for Q3


Surprise, surprise. Android is once again taking the top spot in OS share in yet another analytical report. This time Canalys is showing off some of their data, and while Apple has secured top billing in terms of device manufacturers for Q3 with 26 percent of the total market, Android (here listed under OHA for Open Handset Alliance) and its manufacturing partners take up almost half of OS share at 44 percent.

In bigger picture terms looking past the figures for Q3 alone, Android is up 1,309 percent from this time last year and now holds an impressive quarter of the smartphone market. Even with the advent of Windows Phone 7, Canalys is pegging Android as perhaps the most energized platform moving forward.

So now that all of the analytics tend to place Android in the upper echelon of mobile devices, we have to wonder how much longer the OS can sustain such rapid growth. When will the numbers eventually level out?

[via Canalys]

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