Flash 10.1 Suffering Yet Another Security Exploit, Adobe Issuing Update November 9th


Here we go again. Just a couple months back Adobe came clean to reveal a security exploit within their Flash 10.1 for Android, but quickly followed up with an update to patch the issue. Guess in the rush to get that update out they didn’t bother to double check for any other such security flaws, and once again they are coming out to say a vulnerability has been uncovered in not just Flash for mobile, but also in the desktop equivalents and PC-based versions of Acrobat and Reader.

But don’t worry, you only need to wait about two weeks for the patch which should be out by November 9th. Pretty good they pointed out there is a problem so far in advance, you know, so once-unaware hackers can now exploit it until the update is out. Come on, Adobe. You sure aren’t doing much to prove Apple is wrong in their staunch stance against you.

[via Droid-Life]

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