They May Be Splitting Up, but Garmin Navigation Will Still Be Exclusive to ASUS Androids

garmin-asus a10

Things between Garmin and ASUS weren’t really working out. They have announced that come January their partnership and ventures into the world of mobile together will come to an end. But ASUS is committed to continue making new Android handsets, and as part of their break-up deal with Garmin they have secured exclusive rights to their navigation software. That may or may not be any sort of competitive edge (we saw how how well Garmin’s navigation kept their Garminfone afloat), but it will still allow the company the ability to offer a deeper navigation experience while hopefully improving other hardware and software aspects that hampered Garmin-Asus-branded devices.

At this point, if ASUS wants to gain any sort of respectability they may do better to ditch all Garmin associations, but we will just have to wait and see what the manufacturer throws at us come next year.

[via Engadget]

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