Google Makes the Best Mobile Operating System Again, Says Another 300,000 Votes

It looks like someone didn’t take too kindly to what appeared to be rigged voting in Wall Street Journal’s poll yesterday asking “who makes the best mobile operating system?” After Google seemed to get ahead of the pack after at least 9,000 legitimate votes, Windows fan sites have been rallying up to take them down and put Microsoft ahead.

The tide has turned yet again, but this time it’s a lot more numerous. According to the poll today, Google now makes the best operating system owning 94.4% of the votes. A whopping 357,000 votes have come in for them, so far, leaving everyone as far behind as far can get. We’re sure this is the result of an Android lover who wouldn’t take the insult of rigged voting lying down.

I think that just killed our hopes of Wall Street creating a story based on these poll results as we’re sure all of its credibility has been lost. And if there’s anything to take away from it, at least we know that the power of Google is still stronger than the power of Microsoft.

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