T-Mobile TV Heading to MyTouch Slide and Vibrant

Steady yourselves MTS and Vibrant owners, T-Mobile TV is coming to a handset near you. TmoNews just got a Streamline snapshot containing an announcement that an OTA will be heading to handsets “during the last week in October”. And wouldn’t you know, the last week in October (by numbers) starts tomorrow. T-Mobile TV is a pretty sweet service, for those that haven’t heard about it. It’s a streaming service that will bring partners such as ABC, Fox Sports, PBS Kids and Disney straight to your phone without the need for an additional subscription service. We love free sh…stuff.

As the original MyTouch 3G is getting its jollys off with a FroYo OTA, and the Moto Cliq is in some sort of Beta for Eclair, they will probably be added to the list of phones able to use this service, eventually.

Update: It would seem that I was incorrect when I said that T-Mobile TV is a free service. The first 30 days are free and then $10/month afterwards. The information was garnered from this thread over at XDA.

[via TmoNews]

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