T-Mobile UK Getting Samsung Galaxy Tab, Blunder Says it has a 1.2 GHz Processor

I know you’re not surprised, but listen up anyway: the Samsung Galaxy Tab will be headed to T-Mobile UK. Nope, there’s really no twist here, folks. (Unless you consider the 1.2 GHz processor that they say their version will have, but we’re sure this was just a typo.) We know Samsung’s employing the same strategy they did for the launch of the Samsung Galaxy S where seemingly every major carrier in every market carried the device.

It’s now safe to say that the big five in the UK will be launching this thing and we’re sure many more across Europe are set to follow. We’ve already got North America covered with the Galaxy Tab seeing launches in the United States and Canada. Anywho, for those of you on t-Mobile UK, expect this to be out sometime next month. Head over to their site to sign up for notifications.

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