
Verizon Announces Samsung Galaxy Tab, November 11th for $600



Verizon has made the Samsung Galaxy Tab official, and as rumored the device will be landing on November 11th (seems to be a big day for new VZW releases). What comes as slightly unexpected is the absence of subsidized pricing with the Tab pegged at $599.99 and sold with an optional data plan. The data plan continues down the road of tiered pricing with $20 per month netting you 1GB of data to work with on the Tab, the same service option that will be available for the iPad when linked with MiFi.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

The Galaxy Tab will come with the usual suspects installed in terms of software, including V CAST, VZ Navigator, Slacker Radio, Kindle, and Blockbuster. Also included is the exclusive game Let’s Golf and Verizon’s V CAST app store.

Though $600 and no subsidy put the tablet at a pretty steep price, it still comes in slightly cheaper than what the iPad will be priced at when offered through Verizon later this month, but does the lack of under $300 pricing turn some of you away?

Verizon Wireless Puts Samsung Galaxy Tab™ in Stores in November

BASKING RIDGE, N.J., and DALLAS, Oct. 20 /PRNewswire/ — Verizon Wireless and Samsung Telecommunications America (Samsung Mobile) today announced the highly anticipated Samsung Galaxy Tab™ will be available Nov. 11 for $599.99. Running on Android™ 2.2, the Samsung Galaxy Tab features a brilliant 7-inch touch screen; robust HTML Web browsing experience with full support for Adobe® Flash® 10.1 for video and mobile gaming; and a 1GHz Cortex A8 Hummingbird Application processor.

“This is an incredible time in mobile technology, and as a company we’re excited to add the Samsung Galaxy Tab to our portfolio,” said Marni Walden, vice president and chief marketing officer for Verizon Wireless. “The Samsung Galaxy Tab brings together the reliability of Verizon Wireless’ 3G network and the power of Android 2.2 to deliver on our promise of providing consumers and business customers with a host of options to help manage their lives.”

Popular mobile applications, including V CAST Music and V CAST Song ID, VZ Navigator®, Slacker Radio, Kindle for Android, BLOCKBUSTER On Demand® presented by V CAST Video, and the exclusive golf game, “Let’s Golf,” will be available on the Samsung Galaxy Tab. In addition to text, picture and video messaging, the Samsung Galaxy Tab will also feature V CAST Apps, Verizon Wireless’ mobile storefront offering hundreds of applications for businesses and consumers at launch.

Verizon Wireless customers can add a monthly access plan beginning at $20 a month for 1 GB on their Samsung Galaxy Tab. For additional features and specifications on the Samsung Galaxy Tab, visit www.verizonwireless.com/galaxytab.

For additional information on Verizon Wireless products and services, visit a Verizon Wireless Communications Store, call 1-800-2 JOIN IN or go to www.verizonwireless.com.

About Verizon Wireless
Verizon Wireless operates the nation’s most reliable and largest wireless voice and 3G data network, serving more than 92 million customers. Headquartered in Basking Ridge, N.J., with 79,000 employees nationwide, Verizon Wireless is a joint venture of Verizon Communications (NYSE, NASDAQ: VZ) and Vodafone (LSE, NASDAQ: VOD). For more information, visit www.verizonwireless.com. To preview and request broadcast-quality video footage and high-resolution stills of Verizon Wireless operations, log on to the Verizon Wireless Multimedia Library at www.verizonwireless.com/multimedia.

About Samsung Telecommunications America
Samsung Telecommunications America, LLC, a Dallas-based subsidiary of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., researches, develops and markets wireless handsets and telecommunications products throughout North America. For more information, please visit www.samsungwireless.com.

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  1. lol guess they dont wanna sell many

  2. Fuck you, Verizon and Samsung. I hope this thing crashes and burns at a price like that.

  3. $600…LOL. What the fuck ever. I guess they didn’t get the memo about the iPad coming to Verizon. Or the memo from Google recommending against Android in it’s current form being placed on tablets. You’re going to sell a device with an OS that’s not even optimized for tablets (per Google) then sell it at an outrageous rate? That damn well better be unsubsidized. It’s better than an iPad hands down. But I’m waiting for a 10-inch tablet that’s running an Android version which was designed for or optimized for tablets.

  4. The only version of this that WILL sell is the wifi-only version – most people already have a $30-40/month data plan fee, who wants another one to do what their smartphone can already do? And given that most people have wireless tethering in the new smartphones, who would even need 3G on the tab?? I’m all for checking out the wifi version, IF the price comes in at something that at least attempts to undercut the iPad. What they (Samsung) have to realize, is that they have a legit chance to put a dent in the iPad world (they’ve got them beat on hardware features as it is with Android) but they have to also attack their pricing.

  5. Duh, targeting this a multitasking moms at $600??

    Let me tell you something, if you can afford to spend $600 on a 7 inch tab, you’re not multitasking mom because you can hire maids and assistants to do all that stuff for you.

    Booo Verizon!

  6. Steve Jobs is like, “Dead on arrival!”

    Public is like, “Outrage, no way man!”

    Verizon is like, “Oh yeah, we’ll prove him right!”

  7. Derrick, while this is initially shipping with 2.2 (which I agree is a mystery to me), Gingerbread (aka, an OS that is designed for tabs) is going come out in December. Not sure why they didn’t coincide better, but oh well.

  8. @ Derrick: As stated in the article, that is the unsubsidized price. And I agree, it’s too damn high. I won’t be interested in an Android tablet, until I can get a Wifi only version at $300 max.

  9. Yeah I’m with everybody else in here as well as Steve Jobs. This will not sell because who wants to be forced into having a 3G connection? This is $100 more expensive than the cheapest available iPad and has almost a 3″ smaller screen on it. Give me a $449.99 WiFi only model and then we’re talkin. Its not like it has a SuperAMOLED screen on it.

  10. This is really sad. I was hoping that this Tab would do for Android Tabs what the orginal Droid did, but at that price it never will. Should be $400 unsubsidized.

  11. NOT interested in the least bit. Give me a Galaxy Tab w/o 3G and I’m in. I can tether it with my DX to get to the outside world.

  12. This is the dumbest I’ve heard…why pay $600 for a 7″ tablet and you can have iPad 10″ at nearly same price. I was going to purchase two for holiday gifts but I guess they will be getting iPads

  13. @ Gunner – if you want a $299.99 model then you best believe it will be cheap and stripped down.

  14. I liked this comparison of Galaxy S Tab specs against iPad specs.
    So the Galaxy S tab is half the weight but double the memory.
    It is also expandable, and iPad is not.
    It has two cameras, where iPad does not.

  15. Fuck off Samsung. Get real. Smaller, yet costs more than the iPad.

    Samsung manufacture the screen for chrissakes, how can it NOT be cheaper?

  16. @Verizon:
    You are so DUMB. You are Really Dumb. Fo Real
    (On a side note) Hide yah Kids, Hide ya wife and Hide ya Husband, cuz that price is……

  17. I am so disappointed. I’ve been waiting for this for a while now. But why would I want to lug this thing around without phone capabilities and my Droid Incredible. Oh well, I guess they know what they’re doing. I’m not buying one… Sh!t, The Archos tablets already sound like a better deal.

  18. i was excited about this at a sub-$300 pricing, but now I just lost all interest.

    I will wait for a wi-fi only version.

  19. Yes sir on the right we have the popular Ipad comes in several sizes and can include a 3g hot spot for a nominal monthly fee. On the left is the Samsung Tab. Not only is the entry level model more expensive but the current OS version isn’t designed for this type if application. We will also be offering a complimentary kick in the balls to any willing to pay this much. All on the Now network.

  20. Could be worse. if you convert the UK price to US $ it is over $800 !!!!! same deal – like for like – except the price

  21. Pricing by Verizon may have something to do with the Ipad coming soon to big red?
    Let’s wait for Sprint nad T-Mo. But i won’t pay more than I pay for a netbook……
    150 with contract
    around 350 without.

  22. No way in hell I will buy this thing for 600. Fo’get about it! Somewhere between 300-400 sounds right.

  23. I’m really thinking the pricing has everything to do with big red getting the iPad and the lack of a wifi only model. Don’t know wth Samsung was thinking.

  24. Um, what the hell you whiners? If you go down to Verizon to buy a DROID they are all $569-$589 without contract. Why should a Tablet be any cheaper off contract? In fact this is probably a pretty good price considering it’s much larger than a phone. Not to mention the original price rumors were twice this cost.

    I don’t see how you expect all the features of a smartphone at half the price! And IPad is cheaper yes, but it has a lot less features than the Samsung tablet does! Get real people! The price is not that big of a stretch!


  25. $600???

    Well lets be honest here.. First of all its pretty much what you need for a tablet, OS,Hardware and functionality but for Whopping!!!! $600.. There is now way this Tablet will outsell or do well in the market as the Ipad. It’s way overprice, since there are many fairly decent and affordable TABLETs lining up for release soon, consumers need to think and invest wisely b4 they act. I’m looking forward to see Viewsonic G Tablet will be release next month for $530 with 10.1 screen Wi-Fi with Data Optional. Thank you

  26. Look at this way, a Galaxy S phone with a 4 INCH screen costs 600 dollars UN-subsidized. A Galaxy S tablet with 7 INCH screen costs 600 dollars UN-subsidized.
    So the price is not out of line per say, but it’s not going to help sales very much.

  27. Way too expensive. Why are these tablets priced higher than netbooks?

  28. I am not interested in the cell phone feature. That is what a cell phone is for! I am interested only in mobile WiFi at hotspots……at maybe $300. At $600 no way!

  29. LOL

    the only thing this has better than the iPad is the Operating System.

    still waiting for a ten inch android tablet with all the bells and whistles

  30. Everyone is bashing the price…. question is…How many of us pay full price for cell phones…I know I paid 499 for my Evo on launch day…so why would they not think they could not get away with this price. That price is w/o contract too don’t forget…I am sure WiFi only will be coming soon…at a lower price…and I am sure with contract this will be cheaper…. I wish ppl would take the ipads umm DOCK out their mouths it isn’t that spectacular…I bought my wife one…and I always Here…”why can’t I see this…why can’t I access this?” …because its an ipad babe…no flash. But…this thing can kick rocks anyway…The 3.0 tabs will be here soon

  31. Verizon is targeting this device either for suckers or people who have a shit load of $$$.

  32. I agree with Brad’s post

    i dont think the price is that big a deal

    All the features it has over an ipad and it costs more….i can understand that

    Not every Verizon customer has the top of the line droid x, droid 2 or incredible or a phone that offers mobile hotspot

    While i agree there should be a wi-fi only model, the price is not that bad

    Personally for all the features lacking on an ipad, i feel that is overpriced……

    For their first tablet, i think it is a fair price and i might just get myself one!

  33. yeah, this thing is gonna sell like hotcakes. it features more than the ipad which is collecting dust in my room because it’s just too big to carry, and the price is pretty much the same. kudos to sammy.

  34. i need to know the wifi only now!!

  35. No way this is going to compete with the iPad at this price. I’m predicting a huge flop.

  36. Dear Verizon,
    LOVE YA!
    Thanks, AT&T

  37. I agree … the price is not outrageous for an unsubsidized Device.

    They need to turn the Phone Capabilities back on and subsidize it … and it will be $199, like it should be!!!

    At $600, with no phone calling … no way I will buy it.

  38. What the hell are you guys complaining about ?
    That is a great price, consider I pay $450-$500 for no contract Android phones, This Tab is only $100 more.

    Are you guys saying you would rather pay $300 and get a 2 year contract on a TAB ?? that sounds stupid to me.

  39. Think of it as a replacement for your notebook computer. Do you buy computers at subsidized prices? As noted by Joe (4), nobody is going to need 3G on Tab, so why should Verizon sell it at $200?

  40. Too small. Too non-optimized (Eclair). Too expensive. Too Samsung.

    After all, remember Samsung’s commitment to quality control and to customer service when they release [at least the first two] Galaxy S phones with garbage for GPS and random shutoffs? I do, because my replacement Galaxy S phone also has those problems.

    Make it bigger. Make it optimized (Gingerbread). Make it less expensive. Make it not Samsung.

  41. ok folks get the facts str8, its OFF CONTRACT… the data plan is 20$ a month and OPTIONAL… so the 600$ is the unsubsidized price, and not too shabby considering the product has cameras, flash, more portable but still web more browsing friendly than a smartphone, i will be buying one… Gingerbread will be supported and out around dec (which realistically means next spring)… jesus people, get realistic in your expectations, its essentially a more portable netbook replacement…

  42. Everybody who is complaining about this being 600 with no contract and that they want it for T-Mobile, head on over to find out that the Tab is 400, WITH A TWO-YEAR contract, plus, you even get to have T-Mobile’s STELLAR network! (Sarcasm). As far as I’m concerned, this is a pretty good deal.

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