Android Overtakes iPhone in Ad Revenue in Latest Millennial Media Mobile Mix


No one needs to tell you that Android is growing, eating up more and more market share, and quickly becoming the dominating smartphone platform, but from time to time people like to publish reports to remind us all of just how well Android is doing. In the latest Mobile Mix from Millennial Media, the story isn’t much different. While the iOS platform remains the forerunner in terms of total market share, Android ad revenue has surpassed that of Apple’s mobile devices. In fact, Android ad requests have grown 1,284 percent since January of this year while requests on iOS have only grown by 18 percent in that time period.

Android is up to 29 percent of total smartphone share, while Apple has dropped from a dominant 70 percent in March to just under half of total smartphone users at 46 percent at the time of the report. Also of note is Motorola’s move to the number two spot of top smartphone manufacturers, overtaking Android competitor Samsung.

[Millennial Media via GigaOM]

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