
CyanogenMod on a T-Mobile G2? You Got It (In Video Form)


“Damn that pesky root bug,” expressed Cyanogen, the popular developer on a (seemingly personal) mission to prove T-Mobile wrong regarding the G2’s supposed failsafe root mechanism. That little episode didn’t stop him from wanting to get his popular ROM up and running on the T-Mobile G2, though, and that he did.

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T-Mobile G2_Landscape

“Booted CM on my G2 in the most horrible way possible. … Basically what I’m doing is temprooting and rebooting all of userspace with CM on the sdcard”

That does sound ugly indeed, but I suppose it’s a necessary evil he has to deal with considering they have yet to achieve true root on the device thanks to a bug (which T-Mobile insists on calling a feature, but I think most of our readers will side with Cyanogen on this one.) So we’re probably still far off from an official release for the most stock high-end phone we’ve seen in a while, but at least we know Team Douche won’t take this blasphemy lying down. Until more progress can be made, all we’re treated to is a blurrycam video of the magic happening right on Kondik’s device. Take a look below. [via @Cyanogen]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Leave it to Cyan & his team and things get done.

  2. If its not true Root…is it worth my efforts? NO.

  3. If t-mobile activates wifi hotspot I don’t even need to root my phone.

  4. It’s not a true root, so why all the hype Phandroid?

  5. Cyanogen couldnt even figure out hdmi out on the evo. Who cares

  6. Because it shows work is being done on it toast.
    inb4 shitstorm of THIS ISNT NEWS

  7. This IS news-anybody else wanna accomplish something more? Then, Stfu. Progress is progress.

  8. Shit hardware, shit interface. Who cares. If Android phones where any good you wouldn’t have to root, modify and install custom ROMS.
    Symbian 3 and WM7 do everything out of the box. Time for a changing of the guard me thinks


    Disappointed Android User

  9. CyanogenMod-6.1.0-RC0-vision that’s what has my attention.

  10. CyanogenMod-6.1.0-RC0 with no ETA in sight

  11. this will be available by the end of november

  12. sigh. Nokia and M$ have been doing this way longer than Android… And look who’s toping the charts. 250K/day. Yeah baby. If you want the same look and feel, go buy an iPhone. Android is where’s it at. Boo-yeah.

  13. Did someone really just praise WM7? I wouldn’t touch one of those devices with a 10 foot pole.

  14. The only reason WP7 is getting attention is because it’s new and different but that doesn’t mean it’s better than any other platforms.
    People will soon find out what a miserable failure WP7 will be once it gets to face reality of this market.
    Android proved itself, success.

  15. @Jo
    “WM7 do everything out of the box”
    WP7 cant even do copy and paste out the box.
    To change SD Cards means to reformat the phone…thats on the WP7 phones that even have SD Cards…
    2 of the WP7 phones have 3 and 4 hours talk time…u gonna need an extended battery off the break just to have a normal days use….
    I could go on but wont…I just thought that phrase was too funny…
    Very Satisfied Android User

  16. WP7 can do everything out of the box? What? Cut and Paste? What? Oh yeah, it cant do that.

    Not that I’m bashing WP7 because I love most of MS’s products and I would love to give WP7 a try, dont say shit that isn’t true. ANDROID can do tethering because if Im correct, Google built that into 2.1. It’s the carriers that disable it.

  17. Now tell me some of the useful things android can do.

  18. JO, you’re joking right? On my Nexus One: All basic phone functions (phone calls, SMS, contacts), full integration with GOOGLE services (email, calendar, contacts, Navigation), Astronomy, Games, Web browsing with Flash, cut/copy/Paste, Dictate an email entirely by voice, read my emails to me, Integrate with Exchange with remote device security policies, Amazon Kindle, listen to music, take pictures, watch a movie, Alarms (including the ability to voice control setting an alarm), voice dialing, Wireless bluetooth for both music and calls, Control my Verizon FIOS box, Record a voice memo, Swype, You Tube (HQ quality over 3G), Internet radio, MapMyRide, barcode scanning and QR recognition, PDF’s and Office readers and editors — do you want me to go on?

  19. Cyanogen is a really talented person period so how can people complain about him not doing hdmi on evo if its so easy why haven’t you done it ? Also I hy

  20. I screwed up on last entry , but these guys have helped send android to the top so any news they have is important in my book.

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