Skype Gets Hacked for 3G Calling, Get the APK Now


Going all the way back to the initial release of Skype for Verizon phones, the app was locked to use over 3G only. Up until a recent update, you couldn’t even launch the application if Wi-Fi was enabled on your device. Somewhat ironically, when Skype finally saw a public release for all Android handsets regardless of carrier the complete opposite happened — the device was locked to calls over Wi-Fi only. Now thanks to user xeudoxus over at DroidFoums, the Skype APK has been hacked to allow for use over both Wi-Fi and 3G, and you can install it now.

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  1. Uninstall any instance of Skype currently on your handset.
  2. Download the zip file above and extract the .apk.
  3. Move the .apk to your MicroSD card.
  4. Install the .apk using a file manager (such as Astro).
  5. Make 3G calls ’til the cows come home.

[via TalkAndroid]

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