
Sign Up for Updates on T-Mobile’s Galaxy Tab Now


I smell a launch nearing as T-Mobile’s just opened the contact form for potential Samsung Galaxy Tab customers to be informed of when the device will launch. (Well it didn’t actually say that, but most of these forms don’t send you anything until they’re ready to eat your dollars up.) Take a look at what they’re boasting:+

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

galaxy tab

Featuring a big, 7″ touch screen, the slim, sophisticated Samsung Galaxy Tab is perfectly designed for portable entertainment.

  • Watch the latest movies and entertainment or experience thousands of Android Marketwidgets, games, and apps.
  • Flash 10.1 support for rich Web browsing, Web video, and amazing browser-based games.
  • Share moments on the go with a rear-facing camera for capturing and sharing photos, and a front-facing camera for video chat.

With the Galaxy Tab, there’s always a new and compelling way to enjoy media, brilliantly!

So go and do it. Now. Right now.

[via TalkAndroid]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Finally! Been waiting for a long time for a good Android Tablet. Would’ve preferred a 10″ or 12″ screen. But will definitely check out this one.

  2. Love how no ones mentioning about whether its gonna have voice call capabilities or not…

  3. @Brian considering there’s the FFC for video chat I’m sure there will at least have some sort of voice call capabilities.

  4. Yesss can’t wait, tmobile been catching up lately

  5. I signed up! not the tablet of my dreams but looks good for my kids to play with instead draining the battery on my nexus one :)

  6. @whobys, idk, that’s what I thought, but apparently the US versions are not going to support voice capabilities… which really is a deal breaker if u ask me…

  7. hmmm, would I take a chance on a Samsung tab even tho it is on Tmo? That is the question…

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