
T-Mobile G2 Unboxing [Video]


Well, your good buddy Dave is back with another unboxing video for you guys. This time it’s the brand spanking new, got it way before they said I would T-Mobile G2. Just a simple unboxing. Nothing fancy. Don’t mind my camera, either. I used another phone to do the video since my camera’s charger is DOA. Hope you enjoy!

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  1. Sigh. Not lazy voice guy again.

  2. well that was exciting. but glad i got a look at the g2. cant wait to see a video of it in action.

  3. @Dave — what do you think of the “z” hinge mechanism? Do you think it’s pretty durable or kinda weak? I got a G1 and looking to upgrade and not sure if I should go for a G2 (I prefer a real keyboard) or a Vibrant. (Or, jump to Sprint’s Epic 4G and loose the GSM and the option using it in Europe)

  4. so what are the differences between the G2 and the Z?

  5. The g2 has a “Z” mechanism hinge to open the keyboard and the Z has a G2 hinge

  6. @Mc T – The mechanism seems pretty sturdy to me. Of course that’s after only a few hours of play. I guess we’ll see in the long run.

    @Rio – I’m pretty sure that the only difference between the two is that the Desire Z has Sense UI and the G2 has vanilla Android. I could be wrong having never seen a Desire Z in person.

  7. I could make a video of this thing in action.. any particular apps people want to see? Or just general use? My experience with it so far has been reaaally smooth

  8. @ Joaquin … Can you run thru a few of the gameloft games or some heavy 3d games on PSX so we can see how well the GPU handles it.

  9. @Rio – The Z also only has 1.5 gigs of ROM, while the G2 has 4GB

  10. @cav9802 – why they downgraded the Z…. 1.5gb only

    o and keys also different…

  11. And, they’re delivering these quickly. I ordered one three days ago, go it yesterday.

  12. the reviews are in, it is plagued with problems :)

  13. What phone did you shoot that with?? And I wish.more carriers would offer a vanilla.android.phoneither than tmobile

  14. @Blake I can’t say. It’s blasphemous…lol

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