Just How Rugged is the Motorola Defy? Take a Look

When this phone first broke its cover not too long ago, it was a center of attention due to claims of it being a device ready to take on any beating. Motorola later confirmed this, but we haven’t been able to see just how rugged this thing really is. Being the responsible retailers they are, Expansys decided to test the Motorola Defy’s ruggedness: no false advertisement for them! They first dropped the phone several times on concrete.

Nothing special there – most phones can take that kind of impact – but then they decided to put the phone in the worst situation it could find itself in: submerged in water. They did this while the phone was on and were able to use the device right after taking it out of the cup. While I’m sure a phone being dropped into water isn’t an every day occurrence for a lot of people, stuff happens and it’s nice to know that the Motorola Defy lives up to what Motorola said it’s going to be. Check out the video above.

[via EuroDroid]

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